Asia Pacific Regional Conference on End-of-life and Palliative Care in Long Term Care Settings
Date:  2013-09-27       Time:   14:15 -- 17:30 » close detail
Symposium V & Round Table Session 專題研討會V 及 圓桌會議

Part I) 2:15 pm - 3:30 pm
Video Sharing on Palliative Care & End of Life Care
Part II) 3:50 pm - 5:30 pm
Round Table Session: Make a Change - way to move forward to Eol Care for elders
圓桌會議: 轉變工程 - 為長者臨終照顧走下去

(Language 語言 : Cantonese 廣東話)
主辦: 救世軍、香港老年學會
1 Events
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